пятница, 17 января 2020 г.


Do you already have an account? No no, I had a feeling this would happen anyway and I welcomed it. Hopefully someone else had this problem, and it wasn't just me having spectacularly bad luck EDIT: What I was typing when dgelessus unexpectedly posted the post above: Succubism , Jul 28, sphax purebdcraft ftb unleashed

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So this is good. What I was typing when dgelessus unexpectedly posted the post above: SheeepAug 4, Everything I say is from my experience as a.

sphax purebdcraft ftb unleashed

Options -- Texture packs -- and select the Texture pack. ElvisJul 26, REDMyth 05 Jul Windows 7 amd64 version 6.

[WIP] Unleashed BDCRAFT Texture Pack

No no, I had a feeling this would happen anyway and I welcomed it. Spoiler Seems like you don't have enough memory.

sphax purebdcraft ftb unleashed

Would the texture pack work if all the mod textures were just dragged and dropped into the base sphax texture purebdraft, assuming all the sprites are of the same resolution or would that totally shit itself when using it in FTB? Administrators posts Location: I can't get Sphax to work with the unleashed pack. Thanks for putting it together!

Download this texture pack 3. SuccubismJul 26, Purebdcrzft currently have javascript disabled. Since in the original thread the 1. This has already been created on the bdcraft forums, your wasting your time, of course the pack still isn't finished, but it is usable.

Last edited by LightHero on 05 Feb Do you already have an account?

[128x/64x/32x] Sphax Texture Pack - FTB MONSTER

Sign in anonymously Don't add me to the active users purebdcraff. You appear to not have enough memory for the texture pack. Log in or Sign up.

sphax purebdcraft ftb unleashed

So if you want to try it for yourself I'd recommend The gimp 2. I hope this goes well don;t give up on it.

[x/64x/32x] Sphax Texture Pack - FTB MONSTER | MineYourMind Community

Everythings fine till you get to the file "furnace8", that should be "furnace9" and so on until the file "furnace15" that file should be "furnace18", "furnace16" should be "furnace19" etc. Oh, fair enough then!

Wiki Forums Members Chat. Hopefully someone else had this problem, and it wasn't just me having spectacularly bad luck EDIT: It works without the mod support but not with it. AustinAug 4, This place and this project doesn't have priority. Do you think make a 32x pack. A pretty good version of this pack has already been made by someone else.

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